Horehound Supplement

Updated | 2021-01-26

Written and reviewed by the NatureClaim Team

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Overview of Horehound

Scientific Name: Marrubium vulgare

Order: Lamiales

Family: Lamiaceae

Horehound is a widely used herb added to cough drops.



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Conflicting (Unclear):

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Limited Evidence:

  • Type 2 Diabetes [1]

No Evidence:

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No Clinical Research:

All other conditions.

Side Effects
Side effects may include:
  • Diarrhea
Precautions and Adverse Events:
  • Use caution or contact a licensed healthcare practitioner, since there is not enough research on the use of supplements containing horehound.
  • Although horehound is generally recognized as safe, adverse events may include: irregular heartbeat and low blood sugar symptoms. Therefore, people with diabetics and irregular heartbeat should use caution while taking horehound.

Pregnant or Nursing

There is not enough research on the use of supplements containing horehound during pregnancy and breast-feeding, so consult a licensed healthcare practitioner before use or avoid use. Horehound may cause miscarriages. [2-3]



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  • Anti-Depressants
  • Anti-Diabetic Drugs
  • Anti-Nausea/Anti-Vomiting Drugs
  • Drugs for Irregular Heartbeats
  • Drugs for Migraines


Horehound is not a "drug", so the best doses have not been thoroughly established. Make sure to follow the specific product instructions and take as directed on the label, or consult a licensed healthcare practitioner before use.


1. Herrera-Arellano A, Aguilar-Santamaría L, García-Hernández B, Nicasio-Torres P, Tortoriello J. Clinical trial of Cecropia obtusifolia and Marrubium vulgare leaf extracts on blood glucose and serum lipids in type 2 diabetics. Phytomedicine. 2004 Nov;11(7-8):561-6. 2. Fetrow CW, Avila JR. The complete guide to herbal medicines. Spring House, PA, USA: Springhouse Corporation; 2000. 3. Gruenwald J, Brendler T, Jaenicke C, editors. PDR for herbal medicines. 4th ed. Montvale, NJ, USA: Thomson Healthcare; 2007. 4. Fetrow CW, Avila JR. The complete guide to herbal medicines. Spring House, PA, USA: Springhouse Corporation; 2000. 5. Afendi FM, Okada T, Yamazaki M, Hirai-Morita A, Nakamura Y, Nakamura K, Ikeda S, Takahashi H, Altaf-Ul-Amin M, Darusman LK, Saito K, Kanaya S. KNApSAcK family databases: integrated metabolite-plant species databases for multifaceted plant research. Plant Cell Physiol. 2012 Feb;53(2):e1.

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