Comparing Multivitamins

Updated | 2018-10-18

Reviewed by the NatureClaim Team


I don't know about you, but we at NatureClaim found it quite difficult to choose the right multivitamin. While standing in Costco's dietary supplement aisle, we were quickly overwhelmed by the many choices. Yet, we knew what we wanted. We wanted a multivitamin with calcium, magnesium, and iron, but did not want any products containing higher amounts than the percent daily value (%DV). We almost settled on one product, but turned it down after seeing that vitamin B12 was more than 8 times the %DV. Was it necessary to have that much vitamin B12? We did not think so because eating a well-balanced diet each day can fulfill the %DV of vitamins and minerals. However, increased supplementation of vitamin B12 is necessary for people who have trouble absorbing it and vegans. We almost settled on another product, but this time it only had calcium and magnesium. No iron. We had to be careful. About an hour later we finally decided on a product. On the way out of the aisle we passed several shoppers carefully reading the same multivitamins we had read. Half an hour later these same shoppers were still reading labels.

There had to be an infographic that compared multivitamins. Something similar to how one can compare the nutritional value of foods on NatureClaim. Now there is. We compared the most commonly purchased brands and their products. The first infographic compares multivitamins for women and the second infographic compares multivitamins for men. The darker colors represent which product(s) has the highest of a specific vitamin or mineral. The lighter colors represent which product(s) has the lowest of a specific vitamin or mineral. No color represents that the vitamin or mineral in that product is neither high nor low. We would also like to hear your thoughts on which products you think are effective. Please send your thoughts to

Click to make the infographic larger.

women's multivitamins

Click to make the infographic larger.

men's multivitamins

"Comparing Multivitamins" was written by Korey Brownstein, Ph.D.

Korey Brownstein

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