Scientific Name: Feijoa sellowiana
Order: Myrtales
Family: Myrtaceae
In brief feijoa has:
vitamin C (32.90 mg | 37% DV)
folate (23.00 mcg | 6% DV)
Feijoa (Feijoa sellowiana), also known as pineapple guava, is a plant within the Myrtaceae family. It is indigenous to many South American countries such as, Uruguay, and parts of Argentina, Brazil, and Paraguay. Feijoas are cultivated in warm-temperate to subtropical climates. The fruit can be used to make jellies, jams, salads, and so forth. Feijoa contains a sweet pulp that has an aromatic flavor.
Feijoas contain vitamin C (37% daily value [DV]). Vitamin C is one of many antioxidants which may prevent damage from free radicals and toxic chemicals. This vitamin is also important for the growth, development, and repair of connective tissues in your body. Thus, it plays many critical functions including collagen synthesis, wound healing, as well as maintaining and restoring the immune system. Another potential benefit of vitamin C is it helps with the absorption of iron.
This fruit is also enriched in dietary fiber (23% DV). Dietary fiber helps keep cholesterol levels low, which may benefit heart health, such as lowering blood pressure and reducing inflammation. Dietary fiber is also necessary for slowing the absorption of sugar, thereby improving blood sugar levels. In addition to dietary fiber, feijoa fruit contain a moderate amount of folate (6% DV). Folate plays a vital role in the metabolism of amino acids.