Black Cherry Supplement

Updated | 2021-01-26

Written and reviewed by the NatureClaim Team

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Black Cherry

Overview of Black Cherry

Scientific Name: Prunus serotina

Order: Rosales

Family: Rosaceae

Black cherry is common in Eastern North America. Sometimes black cherry is known as wild cherry. Do not confuse black cherry with the well-studied tart cherry.



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Conflicting (Unclear):

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Limited Evidence:

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No Evidence:

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No Clinical Research:

All other conditions.

Side Effects
Side effects may include:
  • Side effects have not been studied for black cherry.
Precautions and Adverse Events:
  • Avoid or contact a licensed healthcare practitioner, if you have diabetes.
  • Cyanide poisoning from black cherry is unlikely because of the low content of cyanogenic glycoside in the fruits.
  • Some people may be allergic to black cherries.

Pregnant or Nursing

There is not enough research on the use of supplements containing black cherry during pregnancy and breast-feeding, so consult a licensed healthcare practitioner before use or avoid use.



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Black cherry is not a "drug", the best doses have not been thoroughly established. Make sure to follow the specific product instructions and take as directed on the label or consult a licensed healthcare practitioner before use.

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