Scientific Name: Cannabis sativa
Order: Rosales
Family: Cannabaceae
In brief hemp seed has:
thiamin (1.28 mg | 107% DV)
niacin (9.20 mg | 58% DV)
vitamin B6 (0.60 mg | 35% DV)
folate (110.00 mcg | 28% DV)
iron (7.95 mg | 44% DV)
magnesium (700.00 mg | 167% DV)
phosphorus (1650.00 mg | 132% DV)
potassium (1200.00 mg | 26% DV)
zinc (9.90 mg | 90% DV)
copper (1.60 mg | 178% DV)
manganese (7.60 mg | 330% DV)
Hemp seeds (Cannabis sativa) are small and brown seeds that can be used to make a wide range of products. Hulled hemp seeds do not have an outer seed coat or shell. Hemp seeds do not contain cannabidiol (CBD), tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), or other cannabinoids. Instead, the seeds have high amounts of protein, thiamin, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, copper, and manganese.
Hemp seeds are a rich source of protein (63% daily value [DV]) providing high amounts of almost every essential amino acid. The vitamin, thiamin (107% DV), helps with heart function, energy creation, and maintaining one's mental and emotional state. Niacin (58% DV) and vitamin B6 (35% DV) are important for metabolism and energy. The B-vitamin, folate (28% DV), allows for the healthy development of fetuses. Magnesium (167% DV) reduces fatigue and supports muscles, bones, teeth, the nervous system, and mental health. Phosphorus (132% DV) contributes to the normal function of cells in the body, energy creation, and healthy bones and teeth. Zinc (90% DV) is an essential nutrient for the normal development and function of immune cells. Iron (44% DV) supports oxygen production in the body. Copper (178% DV) protects the cells from damaging free radicals. This mineral is also necessary for the creation of energy in the body, immune system, and nervous system. Manganese (330% DV) may protect the body's cells from damage and is important for healthy bones, connective tissues, and energy creation. Potassium (26% DV) helps regulate heartbeat and maintain the function of muscles and nerves.
Hemp seeds also contain dietary fiber (14% DV), which relieves constipation and promotes gut health. Hemp seeds can be eaten raw, ground into hemp meal, sprouted, or made into dried sprout powder.